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This is a blog about my life, my family, and photos that I take. It's a place where I can quickly record what's going on in my life and post pictures of the memories we make. You are welcome to read, view, and leave comments. :)

Friday, July 11, 2008


Here are just some pictures I've taken recently.

This is a butterfly in my Mom's sweet pea tree.
This is a spider that lives in our back doorway. Everynight it comes down and builds a web. I really don't like spiders, but I have enjoyed watching this one as long as it stays on the other side of the door. :) I think it's some sort of orb weaver spider, but I'm not for sure.
Here is a Bald Eagle that we saw this past Monday. It was standing on the side of the road, but when I pulled over to take a picture it flew up into the tree. It's a pretty good picture, but I wish I could have gotten the front of him.

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