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This is a blog about my life, my family, and photos that I take. It's a place where I can quickly record what's going on in my life and post pictures of the memories we make. You are welcome to read, view, and leave comments. :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Here are some of the many things I am thankful for this year.
I'm so thankful for God and his Awesomeness! He is always good! He is so compassionate and merciful to me. He brings me joy and teaches me how to live for Him. He has blessed me with everything that I have. He gives me so much when I don't deserve anything. I know that he cares about me and what happens to me. He has good plans for me.

I'm thankful for my husband, Tim. He works hard for our family. He puts up with my moodiness. He always tells me that I am beautiful, and I believe him. He loves me so much! I'm thankful that we have been married for nearly 13 years now!
I'm thankful for my children. They help me to practice patience. They bring me joy and pride. They make me want to live for God so I can be a good example for them. They make me laugh and smile. I like to play with them and talk to them. I love being their Mom and I am so thankful that God gave them to me. I'm thankful that I can see them growing and getting smarter and smarter all the time. I'm thankful for each of their special talents.

I'm thankful for our Church. I love our Church so much! I love singing during the worship time and focusing on God. I love to learn about Him. We have so many wonderful friends there that are like family to us. I'm thankful that I get to teach the children at Church for Sunday School and Children's Church. I feel so priveleged to teach them. I love to tell them about God and how wonderful He is. I am so thankful for all of the children in our Church. I'm thankful that we have AWANA at our Church too and that I can teach children there. It is a great feeling to tell those little ones about Jesus and how much He loves them.
I'm thankful for my family. I'm glad that my Mom and Dad live just around the corner and that I get to talk to my Mom every morning. I love spending time with my parents, my siblings, and their families. I love the way our family laughs together.

I'm thankful that Ben and Emily got saved this year! It's such a good feeling to know that everyone in our house will someday be in Heaven together!

I'm thankful for my Bible. I love reading it and learning more about God and Jesus Christ. I love hearing what God wants to say to me. I love the way He encourages me through His Word and shows me His Will for my life. I am thankful that I can go to the Bible for any situation I might be facing and find wisdom and guidance.

I'm thankful for all of my friends, near and far. I'm thankful for long distance phone calls and being able to share everything big and small with my friends. I love knowing that they care about me. I love seeing good things happen for them. I'm thankful for all of my wonderful memories that I've made with my friends.

I'm so thankful for the many "material" things that God has given to me. I'm thankful for our house, as small and cluttered as it is. We are blessed to have a warm, safe, and comfy place to live. I'm thankful for our clothes. I'm thankful that we always have food to eat. I'm thankful that we have running water and hot water that is clean. I'm thankful for our vehicles. I'm thankful for my books. I'm thankful for my computer, especially that I can use it to connect with friends and family.

I'm thankful for the talents that God has given me. I love taking photos and hope He will show me how to use them for His Glory. I'm thankful for the time I have to write letters to friends. I'm thankful for my positive attitude and my patience.

I'm thankful for the beautiful world that God has made. When I see a beautiful sunset or sunrise, I feel like God made it just for me. I am always thrilled to see a rainbow and remember God's promise to us. I love seeing beauty all around me in the trees, the plants, the animals, the rocks, and everything else that He made for us to enjoy.

These are just a few things that I am thankful for. Most of all I am thankful that God loved us so much that He would give up his very own, one and only, beloved son for us. Especially when I look at my precious Benjamin, I can't imagine giving him up for anybody, especially for a world of sinful people. My salvation is the most important thing and if it were all I had, it would surely be enough! Although I have a purpose here and enjoy my life on Earth; I'm thankful that this world is not my home. Someday I will spend eternity with God! That is something to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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