*** WELCOME! ***

This is a blog about my life, my family, and photos that I take. It's a place where I can quickly record what's going on in my life and post pictures of the memories we make. You are welcome to read, view, and leave comments. :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I saw a picture on my friend's page of her kids' shadows. I thought it looked really cute, so I decided to take some myself.
Ben and Emily
Nose to Nose

Emily's profile
Benny's profile
Emily with her teapot

Allison's profile

Clara's profile


Manda said...

those are too neat! I love the idea! reminds me of your christmas outline things.

Manda said...

okay so- nix that last comment. i was totally thinking of someone else. they did those black on white thingys for christmas gifts for their parents ((the grandparents)) and i am so gonna try to remember to do it for my parents for christmas. a silouihette its called i think? love the pics anyways, too cool!

sarah jane said...

those are so pretty!! my mom did silhouettes of us when we were little... or someone did, not sure.

anyhow i like them :) you can totally see a little bit of you in clara's profile!

your blog always cheers me up, shea.

Ama said...

aww! Great photos as always! You didn't miss any of my blog I just miss numbered it!