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This is a blog about my life, my family, and photos that I take. It's a place where I can quickly record what's going on in my life and post pictures of the memories we make. You are welcome to read, view, and leave comments. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Just for fun, I took some "up close" pictures of something sweet...Sugar! I just think it looks pretty. :)

Regular white sugar

This one is that new sweetener called Truvia.

Red decorating sugar

Green decorating sugar

Pink decorating sugar

Blue decorating sugar

Another shot of pink

One more shot of blue

Jelly Beans

Candy Sprinkles

1 comment:

sarah jane said...

oooh shea- i love these macros, too! isn't it interesting that the sugar has that lovely crystal structure while the truvia has basically none? i think i'm more fascinated by crystals and stuff like that 'cause it's my life... or maybe because i'm a nerd!

anyways- these are nice- great color, etc. we SERIOUSLY need to have a cupcake day together or something!