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This is a blog about my life, my family, and photos that I take. It's a place where I can quickly record what's going on in my life and post pictures of the memories we make. You are welcome to read, view, and leave comments. :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Recent Photos

This is a beautiful ring that my friend, Sarah made for me. I love it! Her family owns Wexford Jewelers. http://www.wexfordjewelers.com/

Tim and the kids gave me this ring for Mother's Day. It has my birthstone and Tim's birthstone in the middle and the kids' on the outside. I believe my friend, Sarah, made this one as well as the one above it.

This is Ben, Tim, and Emily on Father's Day. Allison and Clara were not home then.

This is a sunset at the scenic overlook.

Emily with a dandelion

This one of Emily dancing in the flowers reminds me of "The Sound of Music"..."The Hills are alive..."

Dandelions reaching for the sunshine

This is some sort of a flower in the milkweed family I think.

Emily's using her fingers because these seeds are not as easy to blow off as the dandelions.

She manages to huff and puff enough to send some seeds soaring.

Tim, Ben, and Emily, and I went fishing recently and Benny caught this 21 inch bass all by himself. He hooked it and reeled it in with Daddy's encouragement. We let it go after we got lots of pictures.
Our friend, Amy, did Emily's hair up like a princess.

1 comment:

sarah jane said...

cutie Emily! she does look like a princess. actually, she looks a bit like michael's mom when she was little!