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This is a blog about my life, my family, and photos that I take. It's a place where I can quickly record what's going on in my life and post pictures of the memories we make. You are welcome to read, view, and leave comments. :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Open House Party

We are having an Open House party this weekend so our friends and family can visit us and see our new house.  It's not really to show off the house itself since we aren't the ones who made it as lovely as it is.  We haven't really made any changes yet other than building rooms for Allison and Clara.  The party is more for us a time to enjoy the company of many friends since we now have the room for company!  :)  It is just wonderful to have so much space now and know that lots of people can gather here and be comfortable.  Also the party is just a small way for us to thank everyone for being there for us the past couple of years when things weren't always going so well.  We just want to treat everyone to a nice day.

I was going to cook a big meal for the party, but decided that might get costly.  I decided instead that since we have at least a million apples on our property that I would just make a bunch of apple pies; so that's what I'm doing.  I got started today.  I've made 5 pies so far and I'm hoping to make 15 to 20 of them.  I'm hoping for a good turnout of hungry friends this weekend.  I'm also planning a couple of fun things to do that day.  I want to have a scavenger hunt for the kids.  I'm going to fill some big container with apples and have everyone guess how many apples there are.  There will be prizes for the winners.  :)  I'm also hoping to have a campfire going with the fixin's for s'mores.  I'm really excited about sharing the day with our special friends and family!  :)

Here are a couple of pictures of the apples I picked today and the pies I made today.

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